Friday, July 08, 2005

I am leaving this City of Edinburgh for London this morning. There is a lot to catch up in London before I go back home. Much to see and write on the bomb scenes and a lot of hunting for old pals.
edinburgh has been a wonderful outing but a dissapointment. I was unable to go to the castle which is the second best known historical landmark in UK.
joining the make poverty history adherents was fun. going to the village of aushterander was an awakening time. at least one man will say. I went to the G8 and they kept our spirits high and then dissapointed us.
We walk away with nothing to talk about but with our ego uninjured.


  1. have a safe trip and i pray that your friends are well.

  2. sasa john.
    got to love the internet.ive been trying to get in touch with how is the ogeik struggle going..mambo ya Rights Features Service..niandikie email. salimia mathee. kipara (
