Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Today was one of those days. I started the morning with a Breakfast Show with a Irish Radio station together with George Monbiot a well known columnist with Guardian.
In he 14 minutes of glory I was on air chating and raving when necessary. Then I had to rush back here at my hotel room to put up a blog for BBC with whom I will be writing a blog for the G8 Summit. It is kind of thrilling to be part of the blog excitement. It is a tradition I want to take back home where there are thrilling stories.
This afternoon I went to the Calendonian Hotel Edinburg to pick my accreditation card for the G8 and the good news is that it is in my pocket. the bad news is that they have mispelt my newspaper's name as East Agrican Standard (it is now known as Standard).
The worst news is that my Tanzanian friend Ndesanjo, who is a well known swahili blogger, had forgotten his letter, nikamtetea akapewa, ands now he thinks he was just smart. [Karibu anyolewe bila maji] Anyway, we will meet in Gleneagles which I am told it is almost an hour's drive from the hotel.
Now Cant there be a place one can eat real food here?
Evening is torture for me here. There is little activity and I can only sit watch TV or just keep writing.
I had a meeting with two Kenyans today who came with the Jubilee guys for a press conference and are tearing the Commission on Africa Report apart here. I should file something home today otherwise what else can I be doing here.
Just in case I have a piece of news in todays standard you can check it out here and tell others about this blog and the other blogs by African journalists who are here Panos London and the stories they are writing.

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