Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Kanu Tastes Tear-gas

Oh well, how things change. I sat and watched as Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka and William Ruto, were enveloped with tear-gas fumes. In their hey days in Kanu they would mock us as rioters and had no mercy on those fighting for freedom of assembly. I believe that had they done their bit to change the relevant laws we would not have witnessed that drama.

Those in government should learn a lesson...the police hardly change but can be tamed with good laws. Cry Uhuru, cry Freedom.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

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  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Who cares about thugs being honored. We should honor true hearoes like Oginga Odinga, Tom Mboya and Robert Ouko NOT law breking Mungiki like this thug.

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